Thursday, September 23, 2010

UPS and highlights of Peru vacation sites

In the mountains of the plain

Visits more relaxed Peru you can take is a trip on the train of Andean, following a mountainous city of Cuzco to softer at Lake Titicaca Andean Plains journey, a journey of 240 kilomètres.Le train is run by the company of the Orient Express and has an outdoor observation to photograph the best car of the view.
It is a picturesque way to Lake Titicaca, which straddles the border with Bolivia.

Peru vacation on the Lake.

Titicaca, you can explore the city of Puno, with its archéologiques.De Puno sites, you can take excursions to see the various cultures of the island on the Lake, such as the Uros, where communities live on artificial islands of floating above of the water. Hotel Titilaka, which includes tours of its price is a good place to stay if you like some luxury on holiday in Peru. Located on a private peninsula, overlooking Lake rooms with heated floors and bathrooms spa suites, you comforting after prospecting a hard day of.

Excursions the Colca canyon

The largest lake to the grand canyon.The Colca canyon is deeper and wider than the Grand Canyon.Canyon California is, less than half too deep to the Pérou.Vacances to this part of southern Peru will include exploring this spectacular natural phenomenon, see lamas alpacas and walk on the Green agricultural épaulées sides of the canyon by the Incas, which are used even today. hiking as part of Peru tours will take you to the basis of the Groove where the river flows.

As home to giant hummingbird, canyon is a particularly good place for Andean view an emblem of the Cordillera of the Condor Andes.Le capture once rare (and even threatened) can be seen by beating charges here.As part of the family of Vautour, condors are not particularly relatively narrow, with fleshy ornaments as Wattles of a poulet.Toutefois, in-flight, with his fingers plumeuses aerated separated and its scale nine feet, it is an impressive view monte and visits Peru - open spaces for up to 100 miles in one day - searching for food.

Holidays in Peru in the tropical rainforest.

Amazon, it will be you to make the flight you take a plane directly in the heart of the forest tropicale.Il are a number of b & BS in this dynamic ecosystem where you can explore the "lungs of the Earth" see and hear the diversity of life in this tropical region of Pérou.Excursions here include the cruise aboard the M/V Aqua, which acts as a basis on which you perform unique luxury guided excursions in the jungle.

With a route measurement Peru vacation, you can incorporate several important monuments - cities, rainforest, canyon, lakes and plains - in your own visits from the Pérou.Cela guarantees you the flavor of varied landscapes this amazing country and distinct cultures.

Louise Mumford is a specialist of the vacation experience of the South America, a company specialized in arrangements tailored to the Holiday of Peru and other destinations in Central America and the team Sud.Notre has first-hand from two decades of experience in the region of Latin America.

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